Crescent Project’s Position on the Insider Movement

Fouad Masri
September 15, 2016

“The Insider Movement” is not a clearly defined approach and is comprised of opposing methods and approaches.

Some ministries are using unbiblical methods that distract from the work of God amongst Muslims. There are those who argue it is a result of the C5 model of contextualization. Others have resorted to sound bites and shock therapy to mobilize for missions among Muslims.

Crescent Project is concerned about Muslim-Christian relations and the unity of the community of Jesus. Therefore, we propose these guidelines and request that workers among Muslims adhere to these Biblical norms:

  1. God loves Muslims and is building His Kingdom among them. (John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9)

  2. The Bible is sufficient concerning all matters of faith and conduct. The Bible is sufficient to draw people to faith in Christ. The use of other religious books is not necessary. Placing equal authority on the Quran, Hadith and/or other religious books is distracting and entangles us in unnecessary discussions. (Mark 13:31, Hebrews 4:12)

  3. Focus on the Savior. Our appeal to Muslims is the same as in the Acts of the Apostles: Come to the savior, come to salvation. Our focus is not on methods and “wow” theology. The Gospel message is simple and the Gospel is always the same. God does not need our help to ratify or rectify His Gospel message. (Acts 4:12, Romans 1:16)

  4. Truth in witnessing. We are called to be truthful in word and deed. Jesus demands a life of purity both in attitude and action. Jesus said, “Let your yes be yes, and your no, no.” We do not need to hide our identity. Jesus said what I told you in secret proclaim from the rooftops. Any method that does not honor Christ in our truthfulness is disobedient to Christ’s commands. (2 Corinthians 4:2, 2 Timothy 1:7-8)

  5. Salvation is in Christ. Salvation is by faith in Christ’s work on the cross. The stumbling block of the cross is in the Gospel message, since the inception of the Church. Any efforts to avoid the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord by those who claim the name of Christ is heresy and unacceptable. Any addition to the work of Christ is anathema. We are saved by grace through faith. Following Christ demands a change in lifestyle. (Ephesians 2:5-6, Ephesians 2:10, John 15:1-5)

  6. The Community of Faith: Church in Greek means “community of the separate” and applies to those who have come out of the worldly system. This is what we are inviting Muslims to join - not culture or a country or a club. The focus should be on the community and not on dress, rituals or missiological methods developed behind a desk. (John 1:12 Acts 2:42)

  7. The church is one community. We are all followers of Christ without additional adjectives (MBB/BMB/MBC/CBM). The church is an English word for the Greek word ekklesia. Ekklesia means the community of those who have come out of the world. It has become a fad to create terminologies, acronyms and abbreviations for believers who come from majority Muslim countries. This is a deterrent to the oneness of the body of Christ. We cannot support any fragmentation of the work among Muslim people. (Philemon 1:16, James 2:1-9)

Dear friend, commit with us to honor Christ as the only Savior. Commit to honor the Gospel and share it without reservation. Commit to honor Muslims, with a truthful testimony of what God has done in your life through Jesus the Messiah.

For comments or questions concerning this statement please contact us.